We just finished up from the Pacific Audio Fest in Seattle, Washington. Our room the entire show was either full or overflowing. The now new owners of Whammerdyne had a great time showing off all of our product line. We had a full complement of esteemed components and speakers of course it must be said the Songer Audio speakers (model S1x) are to die for all attendees agreed. Our good friends of Lampizator (Posidon DAC) the off grid battery powered Stromtank and some cabling by Transparent. This all had such great synergy many said best of show period!

We also debuted our updated Whamm DAM-2 (now DAM-2 Ultra’s) monobloc’s they were a huge hit


I will have more soon we need to recover from this long weekend. Show pix and more about the amazing new owners of Whammerdyne. No, I’m not going away I’m taking a support role and doing what I do best developing new components. You will be hearing a lot from the new owners over the coming months. Its great to pass the baton to  wonderful new owners as well they are only 20 minutes from my shop/lab


Cheers, The old guy Head Whammer