The Best Sounding 2A3 Tube & Hybrid Amps…
More power?
Less and less measured distortion?
More reviews?
Maybe none of these.
Only you can tell the difference, not anyone else. You already have the most sensitive and complex measuring instrument there is, your ears, your perceptions, your feelings, and what sounds musically right and true.

THE Damn Good Amp

Our Single Ended Triode 2A3 tube stereo amp. The “Damn Good Amp” or DGA-Ultra, has the 4.2 watt per channel heart and soul of our original TRUTH amps. Pure Class A, DC coupled with no capacitors, resistors or transformers between the input tube and 2A3 output tubes. Hear the Truth.
Contact us for current pricing.
THE Damn Awesome Mono’s

Our “Damn Awesome Monoblocks”, or DAM-2’s, is a pair of 9.5 watt per channel 2A3 tube monoblocks that will take your listening experience to new heights. The Damn Awesome Mono’s have the same capacitor-less signal path topology as our Damn Good Amp-Ultra. Several upgraded transformer options by Monolith Magnetics available.
Contact us for current pricing.

Our 60 watt per channel integrated amplifier with a pure class A triode tube front end, DC coupled to a very special solid state output. The Circuit Salad isn’t just another tube hybrid. This is a world’s first design from two of the best analog audio engineers in the Pacific Northwest. You will hear an extremely faithful reproduction of all the music’s soul, dynamics, harmonic richness, as well as an iron fist of solid bass. Designed for less sensitive speakers up to 92 dB.
Call or e-mail for current price.
DAA3 (Damn Awesome Amp)

Our “Top of the series” level (3) we call “Damn Awesome Amp” where more features are added along with some secret sauce. Discontinued Legacy Product
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The BEST powerhouse – Our Flagship “Twin Parallel 2A3” model, The “Damn Little Monster” Entirely hand made in Portland, OR USA. Discontinued Legacy Product
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The Ultimate Truth

This is where it began. The original Flagship “Truth” model. No expense was spared. Entirely hand made in Portland, OR USA. Discontinued Legacy Product
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Trust Your Ears

Direct Coupled – Capacitor-less design.
The audio path is completely free of Class AB switching artifacts, Class D high-frequency noise of transitions between output pairs of devices. Many amplifiers have complex technical “workarounds” for these problems, but we found the best way is to avoid them completely, and use all-analog, all-triode, and all Class A circuits throughout the amplifier. You will not find a capacitor in the signal path.
This is what music should sound like
Another Happy Customer
“I rarely buy audio equipment unless it is connected to my audio business (Ambience Audio), but after hearing one of your amps at an audio show and another in a customer’s home, I was intrigued enough to pursue the purchase of one of your amplifiers for my single ended system. After a reasonable period of break in, I have to say that this is one of the few amps that can rival the performance of my Kondo Kegan mono-blocks at a fraction of the price. I have been able to experience extreme musicality with state-of-the-art transparency, tone rendition and dynamics. These amps demand the best sources to realize their incredible potential but once properly set up a musical nirvana is afforded to the owner.