Some various emails over many months, this customer has the Ultimate “Truth”
and has paired it with his Zu Audio “Definition” speakers.
Hi Pat,
The Whammerdyne is fantastic. I started out listening using the Chord DAC as a source but the need to spin vinyl has prompted me to retrieve the C20. As expected the C20 does bring its own ‘color’, but it is in no way unpleasant. The amplifier has amazed, the vibration of a reed, or fingers sliding up and down guitar strings previously inaudible are revealed. On certain live recordings performed in concert halls etc, the sense of space is conveyed with quiet echoes I have never picked up on previously. Similarly, on recordings done in less than idea studio conditions e.g. The Bands “Music from Big Pink”, I am picking the cramped space and low ceilings of that basement up in Woodstock. It is very cool, indeed. Islay and I are all smiles!
Hi Pat,
I am loving the 400cx2 + Whammer combo. As you found, there is great presence with this combo. The notes materialize in 3D space from utter blackness, incredible. And it is SO quick, its pace is absolutely perfect. So many systems strive for “Holographic imaging”, so few actually achieve it. There is no low end attenuation like a 300b SETs tend to have. You have set the bar awfully high with this puppy. The Truth is incredible!. I will have more thoughts as I have more time to settle in to my new digs. To put it mildly, I am very satisfied!
Btw, I had Bryan stop by yesterday and get a taste of “The Truth”. He was pretty blown away and still raving about the sound today at work.
The presence is just great. I am going to audition a couple phono stages here soon and will let you know my thoughts as I continue to expose these guys to “the Truth.” It is just incredible how discerning the Whammer is to changes in front components, cartridges, etc. It really exemplifies what a reference amplifier should be. I hope this rainy spring continues I love not needing to make excuses to stay indoors and listen.
Hi Pat,
Tic tic tic. I continue to marvel at the combination of the PH150 Modwright straight to the Truth, it is incredible and I am excited to show it off :). We are enjoying the incredible summer weather, but as always, I long for rainy, chilly afternoons where nothing stands in the way of audio bliss.
I came into a pair of Emission Labs 2a3s* (mesh plates) that I have been breaking in in the Whammer and I have to tell you that they are pretty incredible. If you can believe it, they seem to really open the sound stage further and offer a bit more definition in the higher octaves when compared to the RCA dual plates. While they may have a bit less on the low end, the low end is by no means lacking. They have a quality that is really hard to describe, but that holographic imaging we know and love so much seems to come in to clearer focus. It is almost like adding a bit of surrealism or technicolor.
*Footnote, upon Ryan’s enthusiastic recommendation of the Emission Labs “Mesh Plate” 2A3’s I obtained a new set and wholeheartedly agree awesome tubes. I will report later on long term reliability as I pull and check their emission levels every 100 hours. Head Whammer
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